Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday/Monday! WOMBO COMBO!

My Current Challenges:
  1. No fans, heat, a/c. Only use natural cooling and heating.
  2. Shorter showers for less water consumption.
  3. No paper napkins or paper towels.
  4. Hypermiling (slow acceleration, lower cruise speeds, overall trying to get better MPG).
Class Challenge:
  • Limited lights. Natural lighting during the day. No unnecessary lights. 
 I don't think I have much to say about this all. While the project can still progresses, there is not really any change in the status. I am not using fans, heat or a/c in the car. I wasn't thinking about continuing it into the car, but it's really not that bad.

When I am driving on the road, I actually feel bad for going so slow. I let some people go by if I know they wont have a chance to pass for a while. One guy was very friendly about it all.

The no unnecessary lights are getting to me. I am having trouble to define necessary. Is a light necessary if its still somewhat light outside but if its off you start to go a little crazy? I feel stressed, and distracted when I do not have my lights on. It's definitely effected my mood, as well as productivity for homework. While I have the need to do homework, I will say the normal set of lights ARE necessary.

The Environmental Fact O-Day:
About 1% of U.S. landfill space is full of disposable diapers, which take 500 years to decompose. 

1 comment:

  1. If the alternative is you going crazy, I think it's necessary.
