Wednesday, May 19, 2010


That's right, I'm not posting my challenges anymore so if you don't know what they are just look at earlier posts from me. Sorry for the harshness.

This post is called 'Adam' because my oldest brother Adam is home today (we're all waiting for Noah to come home from college) and while we're waiting I explained to him the project and my challenges. But, only two of them really caught his attention: no shaving and no meat.

When I told Adam I wasn't shaving to help the environment he said "how does not shaving save the environment?" Truthfully, I'm not all too sure myself but it's fun/interesting. The only non-fun thing about letting the facial hair grow is that Meredith really does not like it. She doesn't hate it but she keeps asking "how much longer 'til you can shave again?" I tell her "another week or two. By the way, not that I'm able to but, how would you feel if I somehow grew a beard?" She just looked at me and shook her head "no no, not good." I guess I can't be as cool as Mr. Wallace after all.

When I mentioned going vegetarian to Adam he just said "you're gonna die. You're already too skinny." But I assured him that I'm doing fine: waffles, salads, eggs, etc. Then he asked "is eggs really vegetarian? Or no because they were never really born..." So now I'm asking all vegetarians (or non-veggies): do you think eggs should be on the vegetarian menu or no? Why? Why not? Either way I probably won't change my ways, but still, your thoughts.

Be kind. Gentle.

1 comment:

  1. Well, vegetarians don't eat meat. Eggs (unless fertilized) contain no meat at all. So logically speaking, eggs are fine to vegetarians. Now if you were a vegan I would advise you stay away from eggs.


    Vegetarian = No meat

    Vegan = Nothing from animals
