Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, Musings on Trade Offs (post 7)

As many of those who are reading this know I live about 32km from the high school that I attend. We are doing this low impact challenge but is that awareness and the good education that I get at the high school worth the greenhouse gasses that I spew into the air every morning on my way to school? Is any education worth the environment?

On a totally unrelated note I bought something and instinctively asked that it not be in a plastic bag. Go me!

Finally, I was at the house of someone else and I turned off lights that were not needed, and she did the same. Go education!

Shorter showers are going really well, though I had to take two today because I ran when I got home (Usually I take my shower in the morning). Go me (again)!

Whole Group:
Turn off lights that are not needed (Reduce CO2 emissions)
Plant something every day (Offset carbon emissions)
Don't shave (Reduce polluted water/waste)
No plastic bags (Reduce waste/use of fossil fuels)
I will take shorter showers (Reduce CO2 pollution and waste water)

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