Thursday, May 20, 2010

"will somebody please tell roth that I dont love colledge"

ASo in this day(in reality yesterday), I realized how effective I could be with my energy use. I never turned a light on all day, I unplugged all devices not in use. I didn't by any new containers recyclable or not. I also did not use the microwave. I did not leave no impact though, I went for a test drive, using gas and emitting CO2, I ate food that was not local or organic and was shipped across thousands of miles to get to me. But hey, it was a start right? Well that's what I thought until I woke up in the morning. I fell asleep right after having a enjoyable conversation with somebody. I put down the phone hit the pillow and was out. Which is nice, I felt awake and accomplished in the morning until I saw that I fell asleep before I got a chance to turn my TV and xbox running netflex off... The TV glared angrily at me with its dimmed lights in its "power saving mode". I mumbled colorful adjectives as I went to pack my bag frustrated that I left it on all night. And I keep thinking someone was talking... but it was coming from my bed? "The rule is, the dude is, so up, so chuck I'm a cool kid" I thought to myself confused why is my bed talking? "I once was a kid all I had was a dream no' money no problems when I get it imma pile it up" I tossed my blankets aside and saw my ipod... Playing... Running all night.. So much for a good day.

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