Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Thursday 20th, 2010

The challenges I choose to undertake were:

To use less electric lights

To not wear make up

No buying new clothes, only used.

To get no new plastic bags


To recycle EVERYTHING I can

Today I was an exceptional rule follower. I don’t think I broke a single one of my challenges. I went to the Salvation Army, and hunted through the racks of clothing, and found a dress. That dress could have ended up in a land fill as someone’s trash, but instead it will be a part of my large collection of clothes. I also didn’t get a bag when I purchased it. I have been saving my iced coffee containers every day, and then when I have the car emptying my entire locker full of them into it to be recycled. I have found many things are recyclable that I didn’t know were like hot coffee lids, and some paper bags. I think the recycling everything has been the most rewarding challenge I took on, because it taught me about things I can use for the rest of my life.

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