Wednesday, May 19, 2010

no styrofoam goodness to indulge in

1)less meat and no new plastic bags
3)radio not on 24/7
4)no styrofoam containers

Challenges went ok yesterday and so far today are going just peachy. I had some chicken last night in a salad but overall I have been eating less meat. Personally I would've prefered no meat in the salad but it had already been put together and I wasnt going to pick it out. Recycling is going, well I'm not really sure I sort of throw recyclables in the general direction of the bins but I dont know what goes where. However this morning was trash and recycling day and I saw my mom (through my bedroom window while I was listening to music and getting ready) bringing the recyclables out to the curb. My stero not being on has been harder. It's in my room again and I leave it on alot, especially once a c.d. stops playing and the stero doesnt make any noise. I forget it's on and then it usually stays on untill the next time I go to play a c.d. No styrofoam containers, well I havent had to indulge in styrofoam goodness as of yet in these past few days.
Lights off challenge is going bad. I dont know I havent really made an effort to turn off lights, so thats why I'm failing at that

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