Friday, May 21, 2010


Well I'm not completely sure but I believe today is the last day of the challenge, but if it's not then it's too late anyways; I already ate meat and shaved this evening. Oh my, shaving was miraculous, to be able to feel the smoothness of my face was a feeling of utter joy; remembering what it feels like to be a child. I think Meredith will enjoy my new shaven face as well (she doesn't know that the challenge is over either). As for the meat, well truthfully I ate meat about 3 minutes before the day (and the challenge) ended so I guess a Bg+ is in order. The only sad thing about eating the meat early is that sadly the Polish meat-roll that I ate (no offense to Alex for he is a wonderful cook) was not really my taste. But nevertheless, it was meat.

Now that it's all over, the challenge, I suppose the teachers expect some type of reflection. Well here's my small little reflection: The challenge has taught me to savor what we have (lights, water, phone time, etc...) and while I don't know how much of my "cut-downs" saved the world, it was a good taste of the simpler life. This might be almost everyone's response but even so, I mean it; all of it. It wasn't half bad. 'Twas an experience, and a good one at that.

Sleep tight.
Turn off all the lights.

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