Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, Post #8

Whole Group:
Turn off lights that are not needed (Reduce CO2 emissions)
Plant something every day (Offset carbon emissions)
Don't shave (Reduce polluted water/waste)
No plastic bags (Reduce waste/use of fossil fuels)
I will take shorter showers (Reduce CO2 pollution and waste water)

So I have pretty much reflected on everything I can for this project, but I still have two more blog posts to fill so I have to come up with something. Here goes!

We have been making videos this week that relate to our challenges. I guess the purpose of this whole project was to reach out and make an impact on someone else and their life. I really hope that our video and/or our blog will do so but I can't help but think that it is rather funny that we are using computers and such to spread our message. I don't really think that there is any other way to spread our message, but ultimately will it matter? Ah well, I have been impacted by this challenge and perhaps that is all it needs to do.

PS Sorry for all the horrible titles I have been using.

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