Monday, May 17, 2010

She lives on

1. Walk anywhere under 2 miles

2. No plastic bags

3. No unneeded lights

4. Recycle

Hey there everybody. So I hope you enjoyed your day without me. I know I'd enjoy a day without me. Yep. then again that would require me to detach myself from my body, thus rendering me dead.....I'm a ghost?

Anyways, I broke a rule today. Yes, gasp in horror and shock. It was rule 1. I went to BJ's, which is just down the road with my mom in a car. To be fair, we were buying milk. Five gallons of the stuff. That, and a 12 pack of coke and 2 bags of flour. Now I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I'm not exactly Superman and even though my mother is stronger than I am, she's not either. That stuff's heavy when you put it all together.

I was in a car for a second time as well, but Amherst isn't under 2 miles.

I had another idea today. I was sitting outside with Hannah. She had let Jenny out of the pasture so she could graze on some of the grass in the yard (a common practice) and it struck me: what if the school got goats?

I also thought about edible containers. For example, when you finish a box of SweeTarts, you could eat the box.

Another thought was possibly rallying an underwear boycott. Yeah. That's it.

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