Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Also. from yesterday. no internet is fun.

Monday 17th, 2010

The challenges I choose to undertake were:
To use less electric lights
To not wear make up
No buying new clothes, only used.
To get no new plastic bags
To recycle EVERYTHING I can

Over the weekend, I crashed. I went to the mall with my sister and my mom, as we all know shopping is my weakness. Clothes mean everything to me, I take only the best care of them and buying new clothes is my favorite thing to do. I still kept to my no plastic bags, I bought a new purse and instead of my new clothes going in a new plastic bag, I asked if they could all just go in the purse. I know that I will never give up buying new clothes all together but I have come up with a few things I can do to keep my impact down a little.

Ever sense I remember my mom would resell our clothes at consignment shops. Not only would it give us a little extra money, we could then buy used clothes for free. Now I have started doing it, in order to be able to buy even more clothes. I also NEVER throw clothes away, I either go to the Salvation Army and donate them there, or I will bring them to one of the many consignment shops my mom sells to. These both are an asset to the environment because I am not putting them into a landfill and letting them sit. More people should do this, because then consignment shops would have more variety of clothes and more people would be willing to buy and sell used clothes.

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