Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No more "Caveman blah blah blah" I'm just gonna say whatevers on my mind, like this

My current challenges:
1. 5 minute showers
2. 20 minutes (tops) of time on the phone for each person I talk to
3. No shaving
4. Along with the school we are turning off all lights until it is absolutely necessary, and when it is necessary we only turn on one light per room.
5. No meat. (Fish or any other kind).

You know I'm kind of tired of copy and pasting my challenges every post (even though it's not that hard), so maybe you all can just deal and remember what my challenges are? Deal? Good.

Today was a pretty regular/boring day. No shaving = yep. Shower = fine. Phone = ya know. Lights = doing the best we can (doing better than before the challenge). 'No meat' is the only interesting thing I care to talk about.

So after the frisbee game today I came home to find rice, potatoes, broccoli, and fish. Then I told my dad "no, not even fish, I'm going all veggy". He looked confused. So I just ate potatoes (with ketchup) and rice. Finished it all off with chocolate milk and cookies, simple enough yes? I think so.

For now. Goodbye. Sorry for the short post.

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