Monday, May 17, 2010

low impact for lazy people

Today I was able to reduce my impact on the enviroment without any effort! I slept in this morning and had no time to pack my lunch so I didn't get an opportunity to any use non-reusable packaging. At school I passivly accepted the lack of adaquite lighting. When I got home I lazed around and sunbathed outside on a rock like a geco so I didn't use many lights here either. My mom made a cobbler from rhubarb grown in our own yard which I ate thus supporting the local farmers. Also I exerted as little energy as possible and in doing so am releasing less CO2 into our atmosphere by not participating in exessive breathing. Ahhh...the joys of low impact. Well I better turn off the computer and save some electricity now!
peace and love

1 comment:

  1. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one that read, "My mom made me clobber a rhubarb."

    On another note, I envy you for having rocks to sleep on. Hot metal barn roofs aren't as fun as they sound.
