Monday, May 17, 2010

I wanted a Greek Salad...Hey, at least I was healthy

So, I'm feeling pretty awful. I've been begging my mom for two weeks for pizza and we finally got some Saturday night. And along with a pizza box, we got a Greek salad which came in a Styrofoam container. I was so upset that I almost didn't eat the food. But I caved. I wanted my Greek salad really bad. I know, bad Ricia. Bad, bad Ricia. Then, I was craving really cold, good tasting water and my water bottle was somewhere in my room. I admit it, I reached for a nice, new water bottle. But it tasted so good. I know, bad Ricia. Bad, bad Ricia. Again.

BUT! Also on Saturday I was cleaning my room and packing my things to move. And I put everything I didn't want into a pile and gave it to my mom to get rid of, this way I wasn't just tossing it all in the garbage. I also recycled a whole bunch of school work and papers. I just REALLY hope I don't need any of those for my portfolio.

I feeling like I'm doing really well with the whole reusable containers thing, minus the reusing them bit. I have like five sitting in my locker. I should remember to grab those tomorrow when I go home. My computer's been getting shut off every night. I even made a special trip out of my nice, warm, cozy bed to make sure it was off last night. Now that's dedication.

I've been really good about shutting off the lights too. I take an extra 15 seconds to make sure all the lights are off, even when I'm already running late. I try to shut off all the lights when I leave a room, but sometimes I forget. When I shut off the light in the kitchen today, my mom laughed and said "What? Now that this is a school project, you care about the stuff I've been saying to you for the last 16 years?" I looked at her and said "Pretty much, yeah" I think she approves of this project.

For me, this project is giving me a reason to not be lazy. I'm actually forced to care about what I'm doing and trying to protect and help the environment. I hope that after this project, I continue with what I'm doing.

Side note: I found a Snickers wrapped on the Frisbee field and I picked it up and put it in my pocket so I could throw it away later. It was a proud moment for me.

Side note 2: I'm pretty much having a field day with these fish.

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