Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 6: ...

So for the past few days I totally forgot about the whole reusing bags and bottles thing. Over the weekend I went to the mall and my mom was all excited to bring our own shopping bags to carry everything we bought. Guess what ended up happening. Yeah, we forgot them on the doorknob at home. Oh well, it's not like we even noticed the difference and felt guilty at all. We are horrible people. This morning however I grabbed a washed baggy from the drying rack instead of a new one from the box. At lead I now have one step in the right direction.

In terms of eating organic/ locally. Not happening this week. I've decided it was to short of notice for parents to actually prepare and buy that kind of food. I will however be making up for it later this summer. My family is going more organic and local. And when I say local I mean, so local it's from our backyard. Literally. Well, and our front yard.

This all started in the middle of the school year when our beautiful old Japanese Maple tree that has been in our front yard for who-knows-how-long had to be taken down because some guy broke an oil line in the ground and suffocated it. Grr. Anyways, it was terrible and lots of crying and rummaging for sticks to keep as memories was involved. But now that the hype as subsided it's time to put in another tree. A pear tree. Did you know a normal pear tree gives off 500 lbs of fruit a year! It's insane. So yes, my dad will now have an endless supply of his favorite fruit.

We're also going to be getting chickens. This is yet another one of my dad's in-town farmer ideas. My sister and I got bunnies when I was in 6th grade because my dad was getting chickens and didn't want us to get attached to them. He never ended up getting them but this year it seems he will have convinced my mother it's a good idea. So now our backyard is going to be dedicated to chicken feed. Wonderful. Have you ever eaten an egg that is still warm from the chicken? It's really kind of creepy and I don't know if I'm going to be able to...
Also! another weird fact. You don't have to refrigerate chicken eggs if you don't wash them after they come out of the chicken. Something that's on them keeps the fresh longer than if they were cleaned and kept cold.
(I think this egg experience might help convince me I can manage going vegan...)

And lastly my father (yes, he's kind of extreme about these things)wants to get bee hives. Actually living buzzing bees that he WANTS around. I don't get it, and I'm not thrilled because I don't even like honey. Luckily however, I don't think he's going to get this one past my mom.

So yes, my home will become an awkward kind of farm and I will make up for my lack of integrity when it comes to eating organic for the past two weeks.

That's all for now. (sorry if it was a babble.)

- Grace G.

1 comment:

  1. I ALSO want chickens and bees. Your dad and I should talk.

    And how in the world can you not like honey? Honey is, perhaps, the best food ever.
