Tuesday, May 18, 2010

awwww **** get your towels ready

Today I realized something. I have been keeping most of my electronic devices unplugged and off at all times. My TV hasn't been plugged in for months, my xbox's cries of neglect are drowned out my the work that I must be doing. I make sure everything is off and not being used all day. Their are two exceptions to this. firstly my computer, due to the fact it is needed to do my work, and I use it to charge my Ipod because I figure that's more efficient than charging my Ipod else where I figure writing a paper and charging my ipod is killing two birds with one stone. But the device I realize remains on at all times is my alarm clock. it remains on to wake me up in the morning, play my music for entertainment and to help me focus, and tells me the time. Yes I realize that this device does a lot for the amount of energy it uses, but can listen to music through my computer when I am doing my homework because I am on the computer anyways, I can tell the time through my phone since it is needed for contact with work and parents as well as my phone for an Alarm clock. Another device cut out of my life. I don't lose any comforts just get them from more efficient ways. So get your towels ready its about to go down.

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