Friday, May 28, 2010

Best and worst of Luck.

Yeah, Dan here. I thought I'd post this in the morning, but I needed the sleep.
So, I go to bed wednesday night all ready to go to the Green River and have some fun with the WaterGuns I was bringing and have a good time...WRONG!!! I wake up in the morning feeling like someone shoved a brick through my nose and down my throat. Allergies finally hit me. The good news, we don't have school because of the storm (that I apparently slept through). so, I gladly take the day off to recuperate. Next I wake up at 2 AM feeling like said brick has been smashed over my last remaining top wisdom tooth. Good news again is that I wouldn't be able to get to school today because the bus system is out of order. Bad news, I can barely eat or drink anything. Darn Allergies...The good news is that I'll most likely be back in school on tuesday. See you all then!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Not Over!

2 weeks almost up for me and I love being a vegetarian surprisingly.I know I haven't posted in a long long while but in all honesty, I have nothing new to report. Still going fine with eating just veggies (obviously) and same with showers computer usage and buying locally. I bought an avo nice day from Greenfields market earlier today. Not to mention being a vegetarian has been a lot easier since my mom took me grocery shopping for vegetarian meals a few nights ago.

Video: Zachary, Chelsea, Pajamas, and Eileen

So we posted our video actually like before a lot of people (friday) but I didn't know that it had to be on the blog. So now, everyone can watch it. Hope you enjoy.

my post of postlyness

SO! I have done a very BAD job of blogging about my experiences this week. But in my defense, I really have not had anything to blog about! My lights have stayed off, my bags are all cloth and reused, my face has remained un-shaven, there have been no new toiletries, and my showers have been painfully short! the END


Friday 21st, 2010

The challenges I choose to undertake were:

To use less electric lights

To not wear make up

No buying new clothes, only used.

To get no new plastic bags


To recycle EVERYTHING I can

As this being my last blog, I have made the executive decision to keep some of my challenges. I don’t care for the whole not wearing makeup thing, because see I love makeup and I think it is a good way to express what you think about yourself. You can enhance things you like, and cover things you don’t. So I don’t feel as though my make up makes a huge impact on the environment and it makes a bigger more important on my life. All though, I do think that I will keep up my recycling and my not getting plastic bags, those are both challenges that don’t impact my life too much because they are simple little changes. I feel like if I do theses few little things for the rest of my life, we make a difference on the environment.


Thursday 20th, 2010

The challenges I choose to undertake were:

To use less electric lights

To not wear make up

No buying new clothes, only used.

To get no new plastic bags


To recycle EVERYTHING I can

Today I was an exceptional rule follower. I don’t think I broke a single one of my challenges. I went to the Salvation Army, and hunted through the racks of clothing, and found a dress. That dress could have ended up in a land fill as someone’s trash, but instead it will be a part of my large collection of clothes. I also didn’t get a bag when I purchased it. I have been saving my iced coffee containers every day, and then when I have the car emptying my entire locker full of them into it to be recycled. I have found many things are recyclable that I didn’t know were like hot coffee lids, and some paper bags. I think the recycling everything has been the most rewarding challenge I took on, because it taught me about things I can use for the rest of my life.

Organic Vs. Non-Organic Burger - Our Video

Personal challenges:
1.) shorter showers
2.) staying outside an hour a day
3.) using no lights
4.) reusing bottles

My first week was pretty easy for the majority of my personal challenges. Using no lights is pretty easy since my house is usually dark for the most part. the only problem I Have with no lights is taking showers at night with no lights. I cant really see anything so i usually knock everything over in the shelves trying to get my 2 in 1 body wash. eventually i memorized where everything was in two days. The one thing i could not do is memorize the layout of my house i was always trying to find my way around for two weeks. Taking shorter showers was not supper easy since it feels like time flies by. So far the last two weeks i have not liked showers since they are short. Now that, that is over I'm happy. For reusing plastic bottles i just kept all my water bottles and filled them up with my well water, which is better than the other bottled water that i normally drink. If I want to fill up my Coke bottle i just go to a gas station in Turners and grab my fountain drink cup with me. Then i fill my fountain cup with coke and put it into the bottle and measure how many times it fills up, which is two times and pay for it. Staying outside for an hour every day was very easy for the past week and a half. The first day i was digging holes into the side of my hill i live on so that i can put stones into it to make a stone staircase up to my house, which was completed on the first day. The next six days were filled with following the rotor tiller and picking up big stones that it dug up. This just made me wish i did not live in New England because it s a pain to do. Now that i had all these stones i decided to make a stone wall at the bottom of the hill and by the fire pit. After that I helped my step-dad put tabacco netting up so that the birds dont eat our corn this year. During the next week i Helped my grandma, by breaking up her sidewalk so we could put a new one in. then i had to dig the dirt under it so the cement people could do their job. Then I came back the next day to move a huge dirt pile onto the bed my my step-dads truck so we could level out our drive way better. I mowed both my grandparents lawns on my step-dads side and my moms, which was an hour each. Then i figured on the last day i would take it easy for being outside for an hour and walked around Greenfield with a friend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fridays blog!

Since it was Friday and the two weeks were pretty much up, I didn't care about following my challenges any more. By this point in the week I was just so fed up with this project so I ate meat and I used a disposable plastic water bottle. I didn't feel guilty at all, I was just so mad at that point that I was ready for this project to be done. If I were to ever do this again, I would make sure I don't chose any rules that affect the way I eat because I'm so busy lately that when I get a chance to eat I eat what ever is around me. Other than not eating meat and using a plastic water bottle, my day was alright. I didn't wear makeup and I didn't use any plastic bags.

Thursday's blog!

So, since I've been working crazy hours, I haven't had the time to blog. Last Thursday went pretty well, I followed all of my rules except for eating out. I went to subway to get something to eat before going to work. I was very pleased with myself that I didn't get anything with meat.
Since the two weeks was almost up I really wanted to wear some makeup. I just started to get mad that I couldn't look the way I wanted to just because of some silly school project. After arguing with myself about putting makeup on, I just decided it was only another day or two so I should just suck it up. Other than that, I had an okay day.

I'm not addicted to blog posts, I can stop whenever I want!

yeah. Just needed to embed my Low Impact Videos in this 'ere blog 'n stuff.
here's the first take. Turn your volume up it's a bit quiet. (Rhiannon and I/ 3:06)

This second one runs a bit long (Dan and Randall)

Andrew Schick

My challenges are keeping the lights off in my room, gardening, turning off all electronics not currently being used, and taking 5 minute showers.

I've been gardening. I turned my lights on for a while during the video shooting process. That's been my only violation. As for the other two challenges, I haven't been doing to good. I basically forgot about the shower one, and it's so easy to forget to turn off all the electronics in your room.

In order to increase the relevancy to the last verse of our rap video, I'm also taking on another challenge of not getting pregnant, ever.

Garden in the Ghetto


It didn't like embedding, so I linked it~

Edit: For some reason the audio is really quiet, so I'll reupload it tomorrow with that fixed

Seb Matt and Alex Video Challege Final - HighQ.dv

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Emily, Karen, Corey, and Kelsie's vid project

Alex Nichols - ~~~

So I haven't posted anything here for a long time. I've still been doing my challenges. Adding things to the compost, planting and working in the garden, recycling things, and eating things fresh if possible. Actually, I fulfilled two of them at once when I pulled up one of my radishes to see if they were ready for harvesting. They weren't, but I ate the tiny radish. Without washing it. It didn't even taste that much like dirt.

We also finished our music video, which is pretty great.

One last post

this was a pretty occupying weekend. Saturday Morning I did some service work with my crew for 2.5 hours. we pulled two shopping carts out of the green river by the empty trailer park. We also found what we thought was an engine block. We coudn't drag it out of the water, so I called my dad and he helped us tow it out of the river, along with the help of a man who just happened to be there at the time. When we towed it out, we found out it was made of stone. it appears to be the top of an old street post. If you want to see it, ask myself, Katie Kuzmeskus, Mari Roulston or Mr. Hornick where it is.

Kate Kuzmeskus- SO i completely forgot about the last blog

I can't really spend much time on this, but for the last few days of the challenge, It was probably the hardest for me. I really wanted to wear make up, and I completely forgot all together about the last blogs I was supposed to do.

This weekened was hectic, that's why there was no blogging for the lack of blogging over thursday and friday. I used reusable bags, and I didn't have to use any plastic containers. Like I predicted the whole eating less meat was the most challenging for me, but I managed kind of. For the most part, it went well, but when the challenge was over, I sank my teeth into some nice steak.

So this challenge will continue to go on for me, just cause I think it's a good idea.

Last blog?

This may be my very last post on this blog and I would like to say it has been a pleasure writing on here about how I am trying to make a difference in the world. I would also like to say sorry to poor liz who I spelled her last name wrong in the video, I swear there was an e there but movie maker cut it out just like it says celebrit instead of celebrity. I have done very well with carpooling for the past couple of weeks, and I have yet to bring home a plastic bag which is amazing. I have also been keeping up with recycling, it's been challenging but I have done a good job. last keeping the lights off has been really easy and I hope it has made a difference in the electric bill. I don't have a lot to say today, But I am hoping that I can keep up with these changes until college. Like I always say, "You can't change a person, but you can persuade them."

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! at the motorcross challenge center! watch monster trucks do AWESOME STUFF!!!! YEAAAGGAAHAGHAAAA

For the past two days, I have been working on my video project almost constantly. It's awesome, that's all I need to say about it. I haven't had the chance to really garden lately, although I did weed and water yesterday. I really like gardening, although planting things is most definitely the most fun. Weeding is pretty dull, and watering takes 5 minutes, so planting things is at the top of my gardening list. I don't know why it makes me feel so peaceful, especially because if I had been told to do it, I probably wouldn't enjoy it at all. It's a nice time to disengage from school, and I find that the next day I get a lot more work done at school, and don't have to do nearly as much at home. During this challenge, I read a book series of books that I wanted to read, something I haven't done in a long long time. I really enjoyed the extra time I felt I had when I spent a half an hour gardening rather than a half an hour watching TV or something.
Using only one glass was a good challenge, but it turned out to be really difficult when living with my family, who has had the mantra "put it in the dishwasher!" repeated over and over at them. I am now just keeping track of where my glass is, and if i can, I will pull it out of the dishwasher and use it again.
I haven't played any video games for two weeks, YEA! Chelsea didn't believe i could do it. This includes flash games at school, which I usually did during my ASCs. I think I will continue to stop my self from playing games at school, so that I don't have to come home and sit in front of the computer from 6 until 9.
I haven't eaten out, but I did buy some food at a convenience store a couple of times. I did only buy stuff when I was really hungry and wasn't going home for a while, so I was kinda proud of myself for this challenge.
Really proud of the quality of our music video so far, editing it today, wish me luck.

Tomato down!!!

This is a post for Thursday, I meant to post then, but forgot. On Thursday I had just gotten home from my frisbee game, and I went outside and started weeding the few tiny things popping up into my garden, its much easier to weed if you get the plants when they are small. While I was weeding I came across the destruction of one of my small tomatoes, It was utterly destroyed! I immediately thought to blame my sisters dog, but it turns out it was a cutworm, my mom could somehow tell what had killed it. So I planted a pepper nearby where my brave tomato plant had fallen. As for my other challenges, they are moving on smoothly, sorta. The single cup challenge is getting really difficult, but I am using the same cup more than once or twice, and keeping track of where I leave it, so I suppose that's progress. The no video game challenge is going fine, although my brother just bought a new game, and I really want to play, I think I can hold out until Monday though.
The no eating out challenge is probably the most difficult to define for me, I haven't gone to any restaurants or fast food places, but I have bought food at convenience stores. I'm not sure if this counts, but I will continue to think about whether or not buying a drink is eating out.

Friday, May 21, 2010


The low impact challenge wasn't really much of a challenge to me at all. I found that going outside, planting something, turning off unnecessary lights was quite easy. the only hard one was buying bottled water. It was too hard for me to just suddenly stop doing something I'm so used to doing and actually like doing cause it seems easier. Going outside more was wicked easy cause I wanted to go outside and as I spent more time out in nature, I found myself happier with myself and I felt more motivated. Spending more time out in nature benefited me and I am thankful for this project.


Began filming our video for the Low impact challenge. in the end we couldn't get it off the camera in time. But that should be easy to solve. we just need to grab the film off it, then we can post that directly to Youtube.
Well, I guess i'll go over my goal for the week.

1. Use lesslights at home-Check
2. Turn off computer when not in use-Check
3. Shorten shower times to 5-10 minutes-Double Check
4. Make an avatar for the Four Rivers Blog-Triple check

I think that I didn't really have to change much in my daily life to meet these goals, but I still got the desired effect. I used less resources and had a lower impact on the environment.


Well I'm not completely sure but I believe today is the last day of the challenge, but if it's not then it's too late anyways; I already ate meat and shaved this evening. Oh my, shaving was miraculous, to be able to feel the smoothness of my face was a feeling of utter joy; remembering what it feels like to be a child. I think Meredith will enjoy my new shaven face as well (she doesn't know that the challenge is over either). As for the meat, well truthfully I ate meat about 3 minutes before the day (and the challenge) ended so I guess a Bg+ is in order. The only sad thing about eating the meat early is that sadly the Polish meat-roll that I ate (no offense to Alex for he is a wonderful cook) was not really my taste. But nevertheless, it was meat.

Now that it's all over, the challenge, I suppose the teachers expect some type of reflection. Well here's my small little reflection: The challenge has taught me to savor what we have (lights, water, phone time, etc...) and while I don't know how much of my "cut-downs" saved the world, it was a good taste of the simpler life. This might be almost everyone's response but even so, I mean it; all of it. It wasn't half bad. 'Twas an experience, and a good one at that.

Sleep tight.
Turn off all the lights.

Low impact finale

1. RECYCLE [coughcough]

2. Walk anywhere under 2 miles

3. No unneeded lights

4. No plastic bags.

Woot! Last day doin' low impact challenge for me! Wait, no, I mean woo! Curses, Nick Mesloh!

Anyways. Firstly, my last blog post was named after the song "Of Love and Colors" by Lisa Germano. I recommend you check it out, although most of you either wouldn't like it or don't actually read peoples posts and are only doing this because we have to.

Secondly, I'm urging the walking thing upon ye. If you walk, you can get nice, shapely, muscular legs like mine.

Okay, I'm done joking about my legs now.

So I guess I should do some kind of reflecting in this...I was going to wait until midnight, but my parents shut off the internet around 11. Now then, where to begin eh?

I can't really say I learned anything out of this. I kind of took the easy way out because, well, I hate working. That's a lie. It's more that I hate trying. Not that I have a small comfort zone, more so that it just works that way. My family's too big to do something drastic like eat all local foods. There was a birthday the same week we started. Red hair makes it hard to not shave. Not eating meat would be something akin to a two week fasting/starvation.

Face it, I take the easy way out whenever I can. Even if it means I least I'm honest.

So am I gonna take anything away from this? Am I going to spend the rest of my life peeing outside and not shaving?

No. The only thing I'm taking away are new thoughts on Superheroes, thoughts on not wearing underwear, and a need to research that thing about ink and font sizes. Those, plus that one thought that I'll probably die never sharing.

By the way, who was it who commented on said underwear post? I'm curious.

So here ends my blog posts for the low impact challenge. Can't say it was fun, nor can I say it sucked.

May it rot in cyberspace Hell for all eternity.

My goals:

ride my bike instead of using the car to get to school, work doesn't count
use the computer for homework only, as well as email having to do with college
not use the radio or CDs, except for in the car driving to work
shower goal stays the same: 5 min or less

I met all of my goals. I rode by bike to school and then to the Miller Falls Rod and Gun club. I shot a .40 caliber SIG semi-automatic pistol. It was amazing!! There wasn't time for the Remington shotgun or the AR-15 assault rifle with a silencer so that is tuesday. Then from Montague I rode my bicycle to the greenfield library, then CopyCat then back home. My favorite hill was Poet seat going into greenfield that turns onto Maple Street was almost scary. Its been such a good day.

Eileen's Challenge

It's the last day of the challenge, but I have chosen to keep my commitments until midnight. It's getting harder and harder as the seconds tick by though. After walking the mile from school to my house in 85 degree weather, I wanted so badly to take a long cold shower. (Actually I needed to at that point, I was GROSS!) But I stuck by my commitments and only took a 5 minute shower. (And no I am no longer GROSS!)
I'm really sad that tonight will be my last organic and local meal. Well, I'm sure it won't be my last, but my mom is super excited to have me eat the same thing as the family for the first time in two weeks. My family isn't into the whole..eating healthy thing. They say would rather eat rubber. I know it's partly not true, my mom loves veggies as much as I do. But she isn't one to eat a healthy meal every night. So I've been cooking a separate dinner for myself for the past two weeks. I think my mom saw it as a stab at her cooking. :)
My latest contribution to reducing my paper use, came a few minutes ago when instead of filling out a survey and mailing it in, I took it online. That way is so much more convenient! Not only does it not use paper, but it saves me 47 cents for a stamp and I don't have to remember to mail it in, I just hit send!
Overall this project has been fun. I've learned a lot and had some pretty interesting insights, but I'm definitely okay with it being over at midnight! I can't wait to see the films though!!!!

Karen's Low Impact Goals, Day 9

My four goals are:
1. I want to use my paper recycle more effectively, and keep old paper to use later.
2. I want to reduce the amount of pages that I print and that I use for homework.
3. I will try to put my computer in sleep mode whenever I am not using it.
4. I will try to work a little in the garden daily, and move towards leftovers or unprocessed foods rather than things from a box for snacks.

On the last day of the challenge, I have just escaped from the bug ridden tomato bed. It might be cool and drizzling, but the insects are still swarming. I planted four tomato plants today, trying to spread them out with enough space between them and all the other plants. I have found through this challenge that I enjoy working out in the garden, especially when I have something particularly productive to do, like planting tomatoes, or cucumbers, or beans. I sort of hope that even though the challenge is over I will continue to help out in the garden a little. I really need these kinds of challenges every day, not just for a specific project, because being out in nature helps me to de-stress. Because of this, gardening a little every day, so as to eventually eat less processed foods and become more sustainable without use of the supermarket, was my favorite challenge. I think that there is really a link between peace and working sustainably with the earth. The act of educating children with nature, for example, so as to help motivate them and balance them throughout life, is in itself a way that humans are acting as the earth's tenders. What gives us joy is helpful for the earth, because it reduces the amount of fossil fuels emitted from packaging and transporting store bought food, and also because it is nurturing the land. This is part of what I discovered by trying to garden a little every day, which is not something that I previously had thought of myself doing.

My other challenges, to reduce my paper use, not print out as much, and use my paper recycle more effectively, were also slightly eye opening. It was not that I discovered anything particularly new, but just that I realized how much paper I use and how much I already have. I rarely ever use a full sheet of paper, and I will disgard a piece of paper, both sides, when it has just one line written on it. In this challenge reusing paper was difficult, because I was using the backs of papers from everywhere throughout my binders. However, I believe that I can actually gain organization out of this, by keeping all my notes for the day on only one page, as long as there is not previous writing on it. Today I did have a difficult time finding paper to take notes on, and I had a hard time finding my math notes later because they were not in order. The only paper with some space used and some space clean was in an obscure location. Yesterday I made sure not to print out my spanish project, and sent it by E-mail instead to Ms. Beardslee, which I usually never do. Despite this, I definitely look forward to clean sheets of paper to use, even if I do continue to write as much as possible on one page.

I think that goals like the paper recycling goal help people to become more aware of their own consumption, and that this is significant in helping to lower our environmental impact. I also believe, however, that an environmentalist should not be defined as a person who participates in these kinds of challenges regularly, maybe someone who runs their house on solar power, and who only uses recycled paper. We have to go beyond this to find our role with nature again. It is something that cannot be found only by eliminating impact, but by finding an impact that we can make, a sustainable way to work with the earth.

I felt that the challenge of turning off my computer was very simple. All I had to really do was change the computer settings and it did the work on its own. I would like to continue doing this, letting the monitor shut off when I am not using it, but I do not think that it is a particularly meaningful challenge. It is sort of like buying organic food at the grocery store and then feeling better about what we eat; it is just another easy way to stave off the guilt of not being healthy. Real change comes from lifestyle change, even though habits like recycling paper certainly help lead up to this. We need more gardeners! We need more people who see themselves as the earth's tenders, and make a way to live from this goal.

I learned from each challenge, but what I felt the most was being outside. I want to use less paper and shut off my computer, but the feeling I will take with me is of my hands plopping a plant into a hole, patting the soil around it, and the way my yard looks like a green forest jungle with light filtering in sideways sometimes. And how I wish I could be out there all the time. It is definitely important to get us to think of our consumption and the impact we have as members of a complex society, but in the end what is most important is not using the computer more to save paper. It is getting off the computer and experiencing what you are actually trying to help-and then living it.

Pro Active Remix Recycling Video

The End: Post #9

Whole Group:
Turn off lights that are not needed (Reduce CO2 emissions)
Plant something every day (Offset carbon emissions)
Don't shave (Reduce polluted water/waste)
No plastic bags (Reduce waste/use of fossil fuels)
I will take shorter showers (Reduce CO2 pollution and waste water)

So I feel like something great is about to end, but it feels good in a way too. I look forward to shaving my (rather scruffy) face, taking a shower where I don't have to rush out. Not using plastic bags was not that hard and it is one of those things that I think it would be good to continue, even if I don't have to. I never did get around to planting anything, but I have no doubt that my mother will require my service at some point in relation to her garden. Turning off lights will not change, at home I always do because of the whole solar thing, and almost anywhere else I don't really have control over the lights. It has been a good two weeks, but to some extent I'm glad it's over.

Clean Locker

Well, I cleaned out my locker, but then left them in a bag OUTSIDE my locker. My mom is slightly disappointed in me. I also discovered who left the cookies in my locker, which made them safe to eat.

This project made me more aware of different ways to lower our impact on the environment. Simple stuff, like using the other side of paper, or reusing the same water bottle or using reusbale containers for lunch. I would really like to buy one of those awesome reusbale sandwhich containers from Faces. It was orange. I want it. Right now. And then maybe I'll bring it home every day. But just maybe.

I wish there was a way to actually see our impact on the environment, because to as important as it seems, it doesn't really feel like we did anything in the long run. I also wish we could get more people invovled with the challenge. It would be awesome if we could get the entire school on board and maybe go paperless. (going paperless was actually my idea for a senior ex last year).

I would like to stick with some of the challenges after this project ends. Like shutting off the lights when I leave the room and using reusable containers. I'm also going to shut of the computer before I go to bed. I would like to make a difference and an impact on the environment.

So, when I'm feeling like being more reflective this weekend, I'll post another blog.

Timm, Kate, Nick, Ricia: Our Video
^Go, watch, enjoy!
or, see it here:

Ayla: :)

Feeling much better today... Which is helpful with the basic functioning of the brain and extremities, but surprisingly unhelpful with my challenge. I find that the better I feel, the more I feel the need to create more paper waste and leave the lights on. Maybe that's just because I've actually moved from the couch today. Hm. Well, anyway, I've been resisting the urge to waste paper and create trash, and I've been very good about recycling and such. So basically everything is going great. I've been unplugging my laptop more, and shutting it down at night, so, that's better... and I've been using way less lights at night, making it so there's usually only one or two on in the whole house. YAY, PROGRESS!!!

The darkness beckons.......nevermind the powers just off.

As this week draws to a close the lack of light is starting to get to my head, figuratively and literally.
this has made some things like drawing at home a true pain especially seeing I tend to get more breakthrough moments around 12:00 PM. A nice little thing noticeable around day 7 was how my house was kinda like a cave at night( did I say how epic that is) and the fact that it seems much more peaceful without the presence of the light pressing down on ones self. So yeah epicness

Adding on a new goal...

Besides my dislike of washing bags, I guess every thing is pretty dandy.
I mean not using new paper, is a bit easier than I thought it would be, especially since I have a lot of hand outs with blank backs so I can just use those to write on.

Because non of my challenges are actually challenging for me any more, I have added a new challenge. I will be trying to pursue this challenge as much as I can when ever I can.

I have decided I am going to try and use the least water possible. My mom always used to yell at me for wasting water or using too much of it. Finally I have a space in which I can actually experiment with different ways, and not be told that its moms way or the high way.

For example when I do the dishes I take the biggest dish and rinse the dishes I put into the dishwasher above it so it will fill up. Once I am done putting the dishes that can be put into the dish washer, into the dishwasher. (What a sentence, eh?) I then use the water in the bigger dish to not only wet the sponge but also to soak the dishes that need o be done by hand. after I am done washing the dishes, I empty the big dish and rinse the other dishes above it again. Usually the water in the big dish will be clean water by the time I am done rinsing so rinsing the big dish out only takes a little running water.

Good luck to me on my new goal for life :)

It's actually Thursday *wiggles eyebrows*

Yep... Thursday.

So TODAY, I did very well, made almost no paper waste at all, and kept the lights off. I composted and recycled successfully, and feel very good about what I've been doing. I've been doing really well, I think, with all of my goals, and I'm very proud of myself. I think I've finally gotten a hold of the paper waste mania going on in my life, and shutting lights off is easier now that I've convinced my parents to do it with me. So, yeah. Feeling alright about this challenge so far. Of course, I still think I could be a little more challenged, but it's probably good I wasn't because then I may not have been able to handle it WHILE being sick... So. Yep. That's preeeetty much it.

The final day....

My challenges were:

-shorter showers
-turn off water when brushing teeth
-use reusable bags, or no bags at all
-no take out

Yesterday I had to take two showers because I had to shower before I came to school and then I got a hair cut last night, so I needed to get all the little hair bits off because they were itchy. I think that overall I have been able to conserve some water, maybe not as much as I would have if I took a shower every other day, or a shorter shower everyday rather than showering normally and just thinking about taking a shorter shower. The shower last night was short just because I basically had to rinse the hair off.

It has been a up and down battle with conserving water in the sink because of the constant washing of my tattoo on top of washing hands and brushing teeth. I find it pointless to leave the water on when the toothbrush is in my mouth so I will continue to turn the water off even after the challenge. Also soon, I won't have to be washing my tattoo 4 to 5 times a day which will save lots of water, too.

Over the past two weeks I have not done very much shopping. The majority of my shopping has been snacks for break, of which, I have not needed any bags. The few times that I had to pick something up after work, I never had to buy much, so I could and would carry it out of the store. It is nice to stop the buildup of plastic bags in our stairwell.

Yesterday I got a pizza for me and my mom. They both came in cardboard boxes and were on a paper plate, both of which, we will burn. The sauce was in plastic containers and are the only trash that came from out take out.

I like it at school without the lights on. I hope that we can continue to keep the lights off after this challenge is off. If we have been able to live without them for two weeks, why can't it continue? I think I like it because the fluorescent bulbs cause me to get headaches. It has been nice, not getting headaches everyday.

Wesley Johnson

My new commitments are to enjoy the outdoors every time i step outside. This mourning when i left for school i walked out to my car to see dew covering my car and the grass around me. little tiny semi semicircles distorting the world around it. taking a moment to see the things around me and enjoy them has improved my mood. today it is very hot, its almost eighty degrees. normally i would just notice that it was so hot and wish it was cooler. now however, i notice the heat and i can appreciate the warm weather. also it makes me want to do other things outside, like go swimming. i like taking the time to enjoy nature rather than being to busy trying to recycle to notice anything.

Bag + oily stuff= like stubbing your toe

The last few days of my environmental challenge have been slightly trying.

Not so much in the recycling department, the lights department, or the department for not using disposable bottles... I guess you could say I am a natural at those things.
However, when it came to washing the zip-lock bags, even though at first it was an easy task, for some reason the bags started to get more and more greasy... Not from me. Every time I washed the bags I made sure they were squeaky clean. I actually think I can blame my father rightly for once. I don't exactly know what he is using in his sandwiches besides mustard and mayo (blech) but somehow he has managed to put more and more greasy bags into the sink lately.

Maybe he is just using more mayo and mustard lately... I don't know, but it is making my job really tedious. It is hard enough, sometimes to get sauce or mustard or mayo, etc, off of a container. Add in the "you have to move the bag around your hand because it isn't solid" and you get a disaster...
I learned this through washing the bags... I was kind of in a hurry but I couldn't get the bag squeaky clean like I normally can. I figured at first that maybe after you wash a bag a certain number of times the "squeaky-ness" goes away. The thought was a rather gross one but, it is what it is.
I decided that I was just going to let it dry and see how it felt/looked then. The next day when I went to go do the dishes again, I was putting the dishes away, and I touched it... It was still greasy. I could feel the grease sliding around under my finger tips... and I could feel my face changing expression in disgust.

I was down to two options, either the bag had been used to an unusable state, or I just had to put some elbow-grease into washing it now that it was older (not that it needed any more greasy-ness haha)

Refusing to give up on my goal and admit that maybe it was time to let the bag go to waste, I spent a good five to ten minutes figuring out how to get it clean in the most efficient and non wasteful way.
Eventually I succeeded, and now I can't say I look forward to washing the bags.

I came to the conclusion that washing greasy bags is like stubbing your toe. And because I don't exactly look forward to washing the bags I ask my self this motivating question:Would I stub my toe, willingly, to save the world?

Would you? ... I guess my answer is always yes because I end up washing the bags despite my loathing of it.

Green light GO!

1) No new plastic bags and less meat
2) Stereo not on 24/7
3) No Styrofoam
4) Recycle

Last night and so far today I failed the majority of challenges. I havent used a plastic bag when I made purchases (I think). Last night I had meat though for my dinner and I ate it on a Styrofoam plate. Recycling I have started to get better at to a certain degree anyway. I have started to at least recycle my paper, so I guess that's a start. I still have a hard time recycling bottles, cans and containers mostly because I don't know where they go. My stereo hasn't been on 24/7 but pretty darn close (I remembered to turn it off this morning, because I took the c.d out and realized it was still on). So that's how things have gone since I blogged yesterday up until right now.

So I think I got awareness from this project, but I don't think it was the kind of awareness that the project was set up to give us. Basically I realized for people who are dedicated and care to do things to help the environment it's not so hard. However if your someone who doesn't feel invested in the environment or the project people seemed to have a harder time. Personally from the beginning of the project I was very sceptical of it doing anything and of my ability to stick with my challenges. My challenges were hard for me because I didn't really see our project benefiting anything and I forgot about the project alot. I forgot my challenges often and I believe that's because I didn't really want to do them. I still am sceptical that the divisions challenges collectively did anything to positively benefit the environment. From what I read of the blog it seems people had a hard time sticking to their challenges and as far as I know no one did anything drastic that directlly affected the environment. However even if these two weeks did little to nothing, I think it raised a lot of peoples awareness. I feel if peoples awareness is raised and if people stick to any of their challenges that in the long run, the division as a whole will have had a positive impact on the environment.
Schools lights of challenge should just stay in place. Not even necessarily to help the environment or lower the schools utility bills but simply because I think it made the class environment better. Not having overly excessive bright fluorescent lights constantly on made people calmer. In addition from personal experience and observation I think there overall were less complaints of headaches in the past two weeks. Less headaches is positve, I know when I have them I'm not listening to anyone (I'll shake my head and give people affirmations that make them believe I'm listening or understand them but in reality I dont).
I personally don't know if I will stick with any of my goals. I think if I were however that it would probably be eating less meat (wasn't that hard for me) and turning my sereo off when I'm not home. I could probablly try to turn unused lights off more as well ( I just dont like walking into a darkroom) especially my bedroom that just wouldnt be a safe thing to do. You would have to magically find away around the boxes, fan, labtop, stereo and possiblly a sword.
Now its time to go indulge in lovely styrofoam goodness. Jk I'm not going to crazy and make strofoam cup towers.....(UNTIL SATURDAY!!!)

Now we all have a green light sceaming GO for impact!

Cannibal: Someone who is fed up with people.

My Current Challenges:
  1. No fans, heat, a/c. Only use natural cooling and heating.
  2. Shorter showers for less water consumption.
  3. No paper napkins or paper towels.
  4. Hypermiling (slow acceleration, lower cruise speeds, overall trying to get better MPG).
Class Challenge:
  • Limited lights. Natural lighting during the day. No unnecessary lights.
Thursday was not very interesting. I have not been keeping up with hypermiling because of the pressure of getting to places on time. I took a short shower last night. Saved some water. I also kept the water cool, instead of hot, as to also save energy. As well, it also felt good because I felt overheated from my room. Yesterday was a very hot day, and so my room was hotter than normal. It was a little difficult to sleep because of the heat, but it got better during the night. Well,  that's that. I cant really think of much more to write. Over and out.

The Environmental Fact O-Day:

Homeowners use up to 10 times more toxic chemicals per acre than farmers.

Day 9: almost done

In the past 24 hours I managed to actually eat organically! Yesterday for our English/Social Studies video project my group went to Greenfield Co-op and while we were there bought my lunch. mmmmm...pesto tortellini. it was kind of expensive (as usual) but totally worth it.
As for the rest....I just realized I'm sitting in a room with the lights on...and have been all morning. Oops. I wonder if they'll let us turn off the library lights. I'm guessing not though.
Still makeup less. I'm probably going to end up staying like this just because my morning routine no-longer even contains the train of thought about makeup. Can't decide if this is a good thing.
I forgot about walking...but it didn't really matter seeing as I didn't go anywhere within walking distance. Except school, but I don't want to wake up at 5.
And yeah. The tomatoes died. Or at least that's the story I'm going with.

That' all.

- Grace G

OVER NIGHT fail... once again

Once again. I went through a good, very low impact day compared to normal, but due to sleep deprivation and exhaustion, I passed out with netflex running and my ipod on. After last time I swore I would not let that happen again. But with a killer headache a quick drink and so ibuprofen to make that headache go away, I was out before I could make sure everything was in line. This is something I have to make sure I don't repeat in the future other wise it will make this challenge pointless because I may make two step forwards during the day, but I seem to fall three back every night.

OVER NIGHT fail... once again

good its Friday

thank god it is Friday. today I have kept my lights off and I have opened the windows so that the air can circulate. i am using a bag that was used for food a few days before.

I hope to do this after the project is done. this has been fun and I don't want it to end.

I think that I will do this well after it is finished just because I think that it is a great thing to do.

If there was one thing that I could change it would be to post every day.

Post 9, Tess Grogan

Shorter shower
No heat in room at Dad's house
No chocolate/candy wrappers
No school silverware/milk

This is the last day of the low impact challenge. Honestly, all of my challenges are things I already try to do, but usually fail at. Things that make me feel guilty when I don't do them. Accordingly, it's not like it'll be a relief for me to be able to, say, shave again (like a few of the guys) or use makeup (I think Grace was doing that) or even to eat my favorite foods again, or use lights. My personal challenges are things that I care about anyway.

Honestly, I would feel silly using heat at this point in the year, though when it's cold out I often cheat and turn on a little heat. That was a good thing - this challenge, coming during a pretty chilly week, showed me that I don't really need to, that there are other, more comfortable options that don't necessarily inspire guilt.

I had two Lindt truffles last night, which I felt guilty about afterward for about three hours. I don't know if that guilt was about the wrappers, or the chocolate itself... it's all sort of wrapped up in one. That one is probably the hardest to stick to. Showers aren't so bad. Normally, I treat myself to a longer one every couple of days but mostly just do a quick in and out again. That went decently well. The school forks and stuff have been easy(ish) - the only real challenge has been the milk, and that's only because I love milk so much. However, I know I should be Nalgening more often anyhow, just for the sake of hydration.

I'm not looking forward to the lights going back on. That's been a welcome end-of-year treat, comfortable shade.

Oh so interesting Thursday...

Thursday is the day that I like to call my hump day. It's my transition day from having a horrible week to a slightly better week. I didn't carpool because work pulled me away from my drive to stop poisoning the air. But I need the money so it's almost like screw you air it's all about the money. But enough about the bad stuff, lets get to the good. I am continuing to use my reusable bag which seems to slowly become lighter because I am slowly taking out school work. It's sad to think about school ending, but then it's not because then I can stop blogging about how I am saving the world. It's not that I'm opposed to this project, I just wish I didn't have to write the same thing every time. Anyways, I'm hardly home these days so technically I am keeping the lights off, and school is doing a good job with keeping the lights off, except for when DIV 1 kids decide to turn them on and have 5 DIV 3 students scream "TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS OFF" at them. Frankly I think its amusing but it does mess things up considering it takes more power for the bulb to turn on and off than just to stay on. Ah well, Like my Mother said "I don't care if your not hungry anymore, your gunna finish whats on your plate or your gunna sit there all night got it?" (you'd understand if you thought about it)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mickey D's

So today I had to leave soccer early because I had to go film a school concert at The Academy at Charlemont for six and boy was I tired. Am tired. (I'm sleepy).

Today I also had no time for a long conversation or even a shower. (I feel gross). At Charlemont when I kept explaining why I haven't shaved and why I can't eat meat everyone just gave me awkward looks and some even laughed. But soon enough, I tell them, I will eat the animals again and shave off this furry monster that is my half-beard. Someday...

On the way back Noah and I went to McDonald's for some shakes and fries (I know, I'm terrible). But luckily I didn't give up fast-food for my challenges, however, Noah did say that the fries technically have meat in them. If he's right I'm gonna feel bad. Who knows.

I nose.

wesley Johnson

Wednesday and Thursday have been ok, however, I'm getting tired of always trying to keep to my commitments. Not because its getting to be tough or anything like that, its just because I'm always trying to make sure I'm not braking them. Its just an added stress for something that i don't really care about. I love the outdoors and I would be incredibly depressed without it, but I'm not making a difference weather I'm using plastic bottles or not. even if I didn't break any of my commitments for this whole project, so what? how is this going to make a change? i find myself asking if one person can make a change, or if our class can make a change. As much as i want to be able to say yes, i don't really believe it. Its hard to make the effort when i cant put myself into it. I would rather enjoy the outdoors than re-use paper to try and save the environment. instead of trying to turn off lights how about trying to go sailing every week. instead of trying to not use plastic bags how about going on a hike. instead of trying to not use plastic bottles how about trying to go swimming as often as you can. how about instead of trying to spend an extra half an hour outside to save the environment you try to spend an extra half an hour outside because its nice to be outside. So from now on my commitment is to enjoy being outside, enjoy the warm weather, and enjoy the rain. What is the point of saving the environment if were to busy trying to save it to actually enjoy it. every time i go outside i am going to stop for a moment and just appreciate being at the place i am at.

kelsie's low impact

I drank from a bottled water today and I'm going to follow Miss Plath's advice to keep refilling the bottle. Also, today I... I wonder if I should turn off my light in my room. I mean I'm only on my computer, I think i can see the screen and the keys without a light. Okay i'm going to turn to light off... Okay the light is off. I'm pretty much in the dark. I hope my dad doesn't bother me from downstairs about me being in my room in the dark. I think he would think I'm weird. Well anyways what I was going to say is that today i spent about an hour outside hanging out with friends on Main street. It was fun. I enjoyed it except for the fact I had to carry all of my stuff. As for planting something, I didn't because I forgot. Oh well. I'll do it tomorrow.

Enlightenment: The Sequel

Now my friends is the time for some deep revelation. After my spell of doubt and dissatisfaction I had a vivid vision that spurred on new feelings of commitment and a drive to make a difference. In my vision I was floating out in space. As I was floating I passed many other people who were also floating. Each person held in their hand what looked like a 3-D puzzle piece about the size of a large brick. They looked pretty useless and somewhat ugly and I wondered why they were bothering to carry them. I noticed that all the people were headed in the same direction and some of them were beginning to clump up over to my left. Curious, I followed them to see what they were doing. As I drew closer I saw that the people were in a line in front of a beautiful greenish blue orb and each person was going up and adding their puzzle piece to it. The orb grew in size and beauty as more and more people added their contributions. Each little piece by itself was unimpressive and not worth a second glance but together they created a beautiful entity that could not exist even if just one of those people had not made their contribution. Well...I know that's a lot to digest but I'll leave you to think on that one.

Post 9

Well, Tess finished our video for humanities starring yours truly, you should all check it out. Its pretty sweet. Anyways, here I am, another day, more presentations, had my GCC math finals today. A day of ends, a day of lasts. Although we are still moving along on these blogs, and we are almost through with all our work.

Still working on:
No take out
Spending 5 hours outside
No video games and less internet

Karen's Low Impact Goals Day 8

My four goals are:
1. I want to use my paper recycle more effectively, and keep old paper to use later.
2. I want to reduce the amount of pages that I print and that I use for homework.
3. I will try to put my computer in sleep mode whenever I am not using it.
4. I will try to work a little in the garden daily, and move towards leftovers or unprocessed foods rather than things from a box for snacks.

My challenges have not been very active for the last couple of days. I think that my computer is shut off most of the time when I am not using it, although I will try to get into this habit more consciously later on. It has been hard to really think about the challenge at all, because I do not get home until around 4:30 P.M and then I have much homework to do. It is worse when I am not even at my house in the evening, like last night, and like tommorrow night. I have still been surviving off much less paper than before the challenge, but I sort of wish that I had started with new paper instead of having to find empty pages throughout my binders. My social studies project was completed in a very environmentally friendly way, all our scripts are on school recycled paper or recycled paper at my house. I also tried to only use a few sheets for notes, both of which already had notes on them before. It does seem that even though I am trying to cut down on paper use I might still use more than most people, because I like to write everything down. I also never thought about class handouts. In English and Social Studies we don't really have any, and we have not had any in spanish, but in chemistry we had a practice quiz. Does the paper I used for that count as new paper? I also have my lab notebook, and in my lab notebook I never write on the backs of pages, because I assume that this is the norm. My work in it was not really completed during the challenge, but I handed it in during the challenge period.

Today I planted basil in the garden. I did not have much time so that was all I did. I love working in the garden, but it is time consuming, which is different from my other challenges. Last night I had homemade apple pie for snack, and this morning for breakfast, so eating less processed foods was fairly easy for me. Today, though, I ate crackers for snack, and I cannot decide if that is breaking my challenge. Mostly, however, I am finding that these challenges are difficult to focus on, and I wish that I had chosen ones that required more of my attention, so that I could feel like I am doing more to reduce my energy use.

My goals:

ride my bike instead of using the car to get to school, work doesn't count
use the computer for homework only, as well as email having to do with college
not use the radio or CDs, except for in the car driving to work
shower goal stays the same: 5 min or less

I met all of my goals except for the driving one. I drove to bring my sister to school as well as myself.

Locker Space (and mystery cookies)

So, for the past week and a half or so I’ve been working on reducing my use of plastic bottles, focusing on using reusable bottles, shutting off my computer at night and recycling. I’ve gotten really good at making sure my computer is shut off every night before I go to bed. I REALLY need to get the reusable containers out of my locker before my mom eats me. However, she seems to be able to pull them out of nowhere in my house, so I’m not really seeing it as an issue at least in terms of the amount we have. But I think my mom just wants them back. I don’t really know. Maybe she feels safer if they are in her possession. Who knows. But I would like to get them out of my locker. They’re taking up too much space.

In terms of the water bottle thing, I’ve been bringing my water bottle to school everyday and not using new ones at home. That’s pretty good I think. J I’ve been recycling everything I possibly could be. It’s nuts. I’m also reusing the other side of handouts or notes that I’ve gotten from class.

I really like no lights thing. It makes school so much more relaxed and laid back. Just the way school should be with just over four weeks left of the year. I’ve been trying to keep the lights off in my own house, but sometimes I forget. I walk between my sister’s room (where the computer is) and my room constantly and I usually leave the light on in my room. I need to work on that.

Alright. Considering I have some free class time right now, I’m going to go gather all those containers in my locker. Wish me luck.

I DID THAT! And guess what. There are mystery cookies in my locker that weren't there this morning. I'm thinking they might be from Troy, but I'm fearful of eating them until I know for sure.

Thursday, Post #8

Whole Group:
Turn off lights that are not needed (Reduce CO2 emissions)
Plant something every day (Offset carbon emissions)
Don't shave (Reduce polluted water/waste)
No plastic bags (Reduce waste/use of fossil fuels)
I will take shorter showers (Reduce CO2 pollution and waste water)

So I have pretty much reflected on everything I can for this project, but I still have two more blog posts to fill so I have to come up with something. Here goes!

We have been making videos this week that relate to our challenges. I guess the purpose of this whole project was to reach out and make an impact on someone else and their life. I really hope that our video and/or our blog will do so but I can't help but think that it is rather funny that we are using computers and such to spread our message. I don't really think that there is any other way to spread our message, but ultimately will it matter? Ah well, I have been impacted by this challenge and perhaps that is all it needs to do.

PS Sorry for all the horrible titles I have been using.

"Of Love and Colors"

1. Walk anywhere under 2 miles

2. No unneeded lights

3. No plastic bags

4. Recycle.

Poor little recycle. Always on the bottom because of my typing. Eventually, recycle. Eventually.

This is my third time trying to blog today. The first time I was cut off before I could even begin because of that damn video project. Second time I posted something deep, thought provoking, and capable of rubbing a lot of the 11th grade the wrong way because of how blatantly honest it was. The internet crashed and remained that way until I decided to not post that and do something else. "Something else" in this case means "Type a side-story related to the much larger story I've been working on since 10th grade". That's right. I have 70 pages and 26,364 worth of a story between then and now. On Word, of course. Otherwise I couldn't brag about work count.

Word count: the one thing writers can brag about. Seeing as all I'm talented at is writing, I brag about my word count.

Now, another musing. This time, on fonts.

Is there a possibility that different font sized and colors use more or less ink than others? There is a college somewhere out there that's using a font different from Times New Roman [my personal favorite] because someone managed to prove that said different font used less ink. Marginally less, but still less. I can't recall the font name because I read it in the paper when my mind was still sleep addled.

Moving on.

So knowing that I started thinking of colors. What if there was a color that was greener than other colors? Now I could be a [insert innapropriate work here] and say "Green is greener than other colors." Well no duh. What I mean is, is there possibly a color that uses less ink?

Alternatively, is it plausible to use a smaller font size? Size 11 Times New Roman is only marginally smaller than size 12. So does this mean less ink is used?

Am I overthinking this? Or am I on the right track? Will Susan uncover Roberts dark secret? Is Jim really going to marry Tina?

All this and more, next time on my blog.

Well not really. My words are sweet and full of lies.

last three days

i have not kept up my challenges. i am trying to get back to them. i hope to finish them and keep doing them after the time has pasted. sorry that my blog is not interesting.

Thank you and good night.

It's hot

I did end up forgetting to post last night again...oops, well nothing really new to report things are still going just fine.

Can I ride on the front seat of your Unicorn?

1)less meat/no new plastic bags

2)radio off



Yesterday I went to Walgreen's twice!!! So the first time was a fun bonding experience with Timm. We went into Walgreen's and he bought some stuff and I made him pay for his stuff and my monster. My friend Corey happened to be the cashier at the time and he asked if we wanted a bag and Timm and I awkwardly looked at each other. We decided to say no and then he asked if we were sure. So after Corey's awkward comments Timm and I walked out of Walgreen's ,we looked at each other and laughed. I don't know if anyone will understand why this is so entertaining but I felt the need to tell all of you. The second time I also got a Monster and I didn't get a plastic bag then either, but did receive awkward comments from Corey.
I didn't eat much meat yesterday or if I did I don't recall eating to much. I had a couple bites of a chicken gyro. Recycling I'm still failing at, I'm just not used to it enough to remember to do it if I wanted to. I don't think I used Styrofoam yesterday or so far today.
Lights off, doesn't work unless someone reminds me like when Ricia comes over to do homework. I think Sammy (MY CAT) likes it when I leave all the lights on because it lights up the house like a CATWALK....Sorry I couldn't resist Ms.Plath it was INTENSE like the circus...
Totally had to put this in at last minute. I thought I heard Iris say that Ricia got to ride on the front seat of her unicorn.I'm a little jealous, I really want to ride on her unicorn.

A little change up.

Today I realized something. I've been using the same pen and mechanical pencil for the entire year. That means I haven't made any trash via throwing away pens and pencils. I guess that's one more step I've been taking the entire year towards a lower Impact. I also realized that I almost always turn off a school computer after I'm done using it instead of just logging it off and putting it into standby,which wastes electricity.
In other news, my tongue is still burned. So I'm likely to be in a bit of pain for the next few days...


My post from last night.

Wednesday 19th, 2010

The challenges I choose to undertake were:

To use less electric lights

To not wear make up

No buying new clothes, only used.

To get no new plastic bags


To recycle EVERYTHING I can

I have come up with a final decision. I am officially going to keep two of my challenges for as long as I possibly can, and the other three I will modify to fit my life as well as I can. I think I will keep my no plastic bags and recycling everything. These are both things that have been relatively simple for me to conquer, and without taking too much from my life. They also both help the environment in a very quick and helpful way. The other three I will modify to make them more accessible to my life. Instead of only buying things not tested on animals, I will try my best to not buy things tested on animals, but that won’t always be possible so I will buy things with the lowest impact on the environment, including the packaging and where it was created. I will also instead of not buying new clothes, I will try to limit myself the best I can, and never throw any clothes away, I will always either resell or give a way to Salvation Army. Same with lights, I will do my very best to be cautious of the room I’m in, and if lights could be turned off I will. I think at school we should keep the lights off as much as we can, because the school is a big place and not only would it save energy and help the environment, but it would save money too.

Thursday May 20, 2010

My challenges are:

-shorter showers
-turn off water when brushing teeth
-use reusable bags
-no takeout

I took a shower this morning as usual. I am getting my hair cut tonight so she will wash my hair again which with the length of my hair, will use quite a bit of water.

I brushed my teeth this morning two times because I forgot to eat breakfast and had already brushed my teeth, and then I ate breakfast, so I brushed again. Oh well.....

I haven't been and I am not going to go shopping tonight.

I'm thinking about getting a pizza after school but it will be wrapped in cardboard which we will then burn so that doesn't really have any impact.

Only one more day......

Wednesday May 19, 2010

My challenges are:

-shorter showers
-turn off water when brushing teeth
-use reusable bags
-no takeout

I took a pretty short shower this morning but it was because I slept in. I have been so tired recently that I don't focus on how long it takes me to do what I need to do in the shower. I can't wait until this 'challenge' is over so I don't have a lingering thought in my head about how long it is taking me to shower.

My tattoo is no longer needing as much care as it was so a little bit more water is being saved each day.

When I have bought things, they have been for break so I haven't needed any bags.

Still no takeout.

late again, but I have an excuse... Sort of

Turn off lights
Use dishes
use less paper
use less water.

Ah yes, once again I come back to blog about my comic misadventures, joining me this week will be an all star cast! No, actually, not really. Sadly my low impact life is not a "non stop Hollywood movie show", with witty lines and over payed actors.(sigh) However, I have more important matters to attend to!
Over the past few days, since my last blog, I have battled the great beast of laziness! more then once walking out of a room, I've had to fight my self to turn around and turn off the light. "Oh, but my cereal, it will get eaten by the vultures I live with!" Or, "I'll miss the UFC match!" And then the more reasonable guilt trippy part of me comes in. "It only takes a second, and UFC will be there when you get back." When the inner battle of will is all said and done, I'm glad I turned around, and a little ashamed I actually had to think about it.
Then again, after dinner time, I battle the beast! My not so environmentally friendly house mates use paper plates! (insert dramatic gasp) I, being the good Samaritan that I am, casually ask about using our many dinner plates. "I just wanted to save you from doing the dishes, Mari!" Our cook and house mate replies jovially, the dinner table laughs and I nod sheepishly. I do despise dishes...and most general house hold chores. However the feeling of guilt creeps back, is doing dishes that hard when the other option is just creating more waste?
I think about this and do not have a solution. trying to wrangle my house mates into joining me in this cause would be like trying to herd cats, but I have an obligation to try and do what I set out to do.
What's a low impact ninja to do!

Lovely Wednesday

So here I am working on trying to save the world and Nana decides to go out to eat instead of eating at home. She decides to not take anything out of the freezer so our only option is to go out to eat. So I kinda broke the not eating out, but other than that I have been doing great... Except for going to DD for breakfast one morning... Lets just face it I'm not doing good at that challenge. Other than that my car has an increasing amount of plastic bottles stored in my car... not really stored just kinda everywhere. I know that if i take them out of my car they will get thrown out so I guess in a way my car is the recycling bin at the moment, I don't mind cause I'm not driving in my car as much since Im carpooling with Ryan and Nana most of the time, yup those CO2 emission levels are just dropping like flies.... *rolls eyes* on the plus side my reusable bag challenge is going great, although I think something is growing in my bag, but I haven't dug down far enough to see what yet. I guess everyone has their ups and downs in this challenge, maybe not, but I do so that counts for everyone. Like Gram says "God put us on this earth to suffer, so why should we fight it?" She doesn't really say it, but I'm sure she says it in her head. ta-ta for now!

woot, GGG

so. i am charged to write an entertaining blog. it should suffice to say that i am urinating outside and forgoing the razor to make anyone laugh out loud, but this particular person will not be amused by mild entertainment. So. I will tell a story. It is about nine at night, and i am about to go to bed. Naturally, i need to heed natures call one more time before i hit the stack. Walking outside, diligently turning off the lights as i walk by, i walk by memory to the woods, where i relieve myself while fending of hordes of mosquitoes. I decide to take a quick stroll, and promptly trip, and decide to head back inside. I trip three more times getting to the door, and stubbed my toe coming inside, all because i had to go outside to pee and turn off all the lights. half of the lights i tried to turn on i had unplugged earlier, adding to my dissatisfaction with my predicament. in my opinion thats not funny, so just in case i will tell a joke.
why did the chicken cross the road?
because it turned off all the lights and didnt know where it was.

no shaving
pee outside
turn off lights
unplug stuff

Amplifier Worship

The day is young. I have decided to listen to my stereo again, in exchange for trying very hard not to use my computer or drink anything other than water. Music is too important a thing to renounce. No foil again.

Not much to say here. I guess I need to resort to

A bad start...

So I am not going to recap the start to this day. If you wanna know then you can look at the previous blog. So because of that whole, problem I started the day off with a very, very, like extremely annoyed. Like eat the world for breakfast annoyed. So I sorta blew through the morning, using very little thought and processing. So I couldn't really tell you how it went. I didn't use a microwave, I unplugged my devices, with angry rage. I didn't bother with the lights and so far I haven't used any containers. So its a good start so far. Lets just hope it doesn't swing like yesterday.

Post 8, Tess Grogan

Shorter shower
No heat in room at Dad's house
No chocolate/candy wrappers
No school silverware/milk

I remembered a fork again. I think alfredo tastes better with a metal fork. Not so sure on the microwaving old chinese takeout soup containers. I'm sure I have lots of radioactive chemicals floating around in my bloodstream - or something. Ehm, yesterday I ate NOTHING wrapped, just leftovers, salad (homemade croutons), but I think the salad might have been wrapped. Ah well, at least it wasn't individually wrapped candy.
I miss milk at lunch. I'm drinking more when I go home, because I don't have my midday milk. Ehm - it was cold last night (still no heat) so I layered up on the blankets. A hot (but short) shower helped.
Uhm. That's it for today.

"will somebody please tell roth that I dont love colledge"

ASo in this day(in reality yesterday), I realized how effective I could be with my energy use. I never turned a light on all day, I unplugged all devices not in use. I didn't by any new containers recyclable or not. I also did not use the microwave. I did not leave no impact though, I went for a test drive, using gas and emitting CO2, I ate food that was not local or organic and was shipped across thousands of miles to get to me. But hey, it was a start right? Well that's what I thought until I woke up in the morning. I fell asleep right after having a enjoyable conversation with somebody. I put down the phone hit the pillow and was out. Which is nice, I felt awake and accomplished in the morning until I saw that I fell asleep before I got a chance to turn my TV and xbox running netflex off... The TV glared angrily at me with its dimmed lights in its "power saving mode". I mumbled colorful adjectives as I went to pack my bag frustrated that I left it on all night. And I keep thinking someone was talking... but it was coming from my bed? "The rule is, the dude is, so up, so chuck I'm a cool kid" I thought to myself confused why is my bed talking? "I once was a kid all I had was a dream no' money no problems when I get it imma pile it up" I tossed my blankets aside and saw my ipod... Playing... Running all night.. So much for a good day.

Day 8

Today is just starting, but so far things aren’t going too badly. I have yet to use any paper or lights this morning and I hope to continue that trend for the rest of the day. I’m hoping that if I try to not use ANY paper then maybe that will equal out yesterdays usage.

Other than not using any paper today, I don’t really have anymore goals. Again I already use lights very seldom so it’s not really a challenge. I’m not really sure what else to blog about, as the day is just starting….

-Ben V

Wes, Tess and Ryan's Low Impact Challenge Video

Day 7

Well on day seven, honestly I’m still not doing so well. For the whole class challenge of turning lights off when they aren’t necessary, well I do that anyways like I said in the previous posts. So I guess that’s gone well, but it’s not much of a challenge.

For the use less paper challenge, I had to print out everything for my senior ex, which, while its not the biggest senior ex I said had to print out a lot of paper. I obviously didn’t want to print my senior ex on recycled paper, it doesn’t really look good, so I just had to break the rules a little so I can do other projects. We also had to print out and mail invitations for my graduation and party, which also involves A LOT of paper, and envelopes.

It feels like I’ve broken the rules a little bit for most of my projects I guess. So again I’m not doing so well. I feel like this is one the worst times of the year to be doing this, because there is sooo much going on.

-Ben V

Day 8: on time!

- no makeup
- use less lights
- reuse bottles and bags
- eat organic/local
(and yes...I'm trying to take up room)
and the new one is!
- helping my dad in this tomato garden!
or this might be the new one!
- walk everywhere that is close enough I won't kill myself trying but far enough away that if i drove it would be bad for the environment.
(that one's more likely)

anyways. about today.
I'm not wearing makeup (like usual) I'm not eating organic (because I keep forgetting, however we are going to the co-op today so maybe I can buy myself a nice organic/local lunch) I'm turning off the lights (except the one outside my room at night because the tv show 24 is terrifying and I can't handle the thought of some terrorist kidnapping me (I don't know what good it would do them but still)) I'm reusing bottles and bags (mainly because I don't use them but when I do use a bottle it's my metal one which wasn't made to be thrown away anyways)

as for the new ones.
I didn't help my dad in his tomato garden (mainly because his tomatos I believe died seeing as he's stopped bragging about them and looking up random facts to share while we're trying to watch NCIS) I haven't walked much (I will though!)

That's it for now.

- Grace G

blame others

No electricity is extremely easy for me in school. I'm used to typing and writing in the darker rooms now, but at home is another story. I have a family who's agendas seem to be "destroy Matt's attempts at all cost" type. I can't solely blame them for my failures at home, but it gets harder when I turn off the lights only to see them left on for hours with nobody in the room. I forget often, but there is no excuse to not turn off the lights. All the switches are located at the of the room, yet I simply walk past them. I guess that is what everybody in my family has been doing. Walking home poses a problem to me. Yesterday I got a ride from Gary instead of walking. The walk probably would take me 45 minutes to my house, but I got there in 15 in the pickup truck. Bad Matt. Recycling poses little problems. My family does it habitually, so it is rare to not recycle everything. So far I think I'm doing well.

Day 7: delayed

So I have come to the realization that there is really only one thing I have to put thought to when it comes to my challenges. Makeup. Everything else I can go through the day having other people remember for me, or just conveniently don't need to use the things I can't. Take lights, everyone else in school takes it into consideration so I don't. Also, plastic baggies, I never use plastic bags unless I'm shopping...and I hardly ever shop!
Makeup doesn't even take to much seeing as I just look at my face, notice my lack of makeup, and continue on my way without putting any on. This whole thing has begun to frustrate me because I don't feel like I'm actually challenging myself.
Maybe I'll come up with something else for the last few days...

- Grace

Analysis Alternative Assessment

If you are in need of additional work in your Analysis standard, you must do the following:

  1. Read the short story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London.
  2. Answer the following prompt:
    The naturalist story is a particular literary genre that includes themes of survival in a harsh, indifferent environment and the value of instinct. In a well-developed essay, analyze how is "To Build a Fire" fits in with the naturalist genre.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

no clue what to talk about

i didnt go outside today nor did i plant anything. not sure why, i guess i was just being lazy. i didnt use a bottled water, which is good. ummm and i did turn off unnessary lights.


Today as I somewhat halfheartedly tossed my organic soup cans into the recycling and turned off some unnecessary lights, a familiar feeling washed over. It was a feeling of doubt mixed with a sprinkle of frustration. How on earth is my recycling or turning off a light or any of this stuff I've been doing going make any difference at all in the long run? On the grand scale of things one little recycled soup can has no effect on anything. Why am I even bothering? I walked away discouraged and disgruntled to ponder these questions. As I sat on my front steps the answers came upon me, slowly, like the first snow flakes of winter at first just fading away but then building up and overwhelming the landscape. The answers are too deep to put in this post but stay tuned in days to come for mind blowing enlightenment...

Wednesday, Musings on Trade Offs (post 7)

As many of those who are reading this know I live about 32km from the high school that I attend. We are doing this low impact challenge but is that awareness and the good education that I get at the high school worth the greenhouse gasses that I spew into the air every morning on my way to school? Is any education worth the environment?

On a totally unrelated note I bought something and instinctively asked that it not be in a plastic bag. Go me!

Finally, I was at the house of someone else and I turned off lights that were not needed, and she did the same. Go education!

Shorter showers are going really well, though I had to take two today because I ran when I got home (Usually I take my shower in the morning). Go me (again)!

Whole Group:
Turn off lights that are not needed (Reduce CO2 emissions)
Plant something every day (Offset carbon emissions)
Don't shave (Reduce polluted water/waste)
No plastic bags (Reduce waste/use of fossil fuels)
I will take shorter showers (Reduce CO2 pollution and waste water)

Kate Kuzmeskus- This is getting old..

So, I think everything I've been challenging myself to do has been coming along perfectly fine,....that was UNTIL today.

So my mother and I decided to go shopping at TJ Max. Now not buying new things wasn't on my list, but I felt gross and absolutely wrong being in there buying things that I honestly didn't REALLY need. However, I felt obligated to say yes to my mother asking 'Would you like that?'.

As for dinner, we had no meat, but I ended up eating popcorn that was flavored cheddar cheese. So, using the microwave discouraged me, quite a bit. At least I didn't catch the popcorn on fire this time. That would cause an even bigger issue than just using the microwave. Haha.

Surprisingly, I caved into the make up. Damn me and my girl habits, but giving up make up, after using eyeliner practically since I was nine, kinda a hard thing to cut cold turkey. I did pretty well. It was only for tonight,..I hope. No, I know. I'll most likely lose it again, or....I'll have someone hide it for me.

Plastic bags- I've been re-using the same plastic bag for school. That counts for something. I know it does. The hardest thing for that is remembering to use THAT particular plastic bag when I get up in the morning in my groggy sleepy state.

Mmm, Oh showers. Hah, almost forgot about hygene. Nah. No but really, this has been the easiest of all things. 4 minutes showers for the win. Except today when I used the color corrector to get out the red tint in my hair, so i can dye it tomorrow night. I had to rinse my hair out five times in order to see the results of that blasted hair product. -_-.